Top Choice for furniture is calypso
Hansgrohe has a great range of high quality showers which not only are built to last but they are also very easy to service later in life if needed
April Shower trays are simple but also solid stone making them much more durable and reliable they also have a corner waste so joists can be avoided when placing the tray at floor level
Vado have a very solid build and last very well. Their showers can be a bit pricey but if the budget will allow they are very minimalistic stylish while holding a great quality
Rak have some of the best WCs and Basins that are usually compact and simple but have great enginuity like thier rimless pans that are incredibly easy to clean
If customers dont find the style they are after from RAK they are sure to from Roca but wont sacrafice on quality as Roca match RAK in quality if not superceed
Merlyn have some of the best and most simplistic shower doors and wetroom screens around
Usually they provide a good varioty of sizes and styles for baths and towel rails so its rare that customers have to look anywhere else